Therapy and Coaching Success One-2-One Training Programs
One to One Training
Good training is not only about helping you develop skills and strategies that work but also to help you develop your unique voice and confidence. You are your business' most valuable asset. One that is a lifelong asset at that. The more you can accomplish while living a low stress, high fun life the greater the rewards will be to you and to your clients through the better service you will deliver.

Select Training will allow you to gain insights and knowledge on how to build your income, help more people, and create a sustainable practice on an ongoing basis.
Fee €175 per 1 hour session without contract.
For greater success there are 2 training programs available. Membership in each is limited to a select number of therapists and coaches and subject to availability. To apply to join the Preferred or Elite program please get in contact. You will be working directly with me on a one to one basis and we'll chat through where you're at and whereyou want to go, before being accepted into the program.

The Preferred Training Program will allow you to gain knowledge and insights on a monthly basis, have your progress regularly checked, be able to achieve goals and targets in one-on-one sessions and will give you the support and resources you need to implement your new strategies. This program provides regular access to John's expertise at guaranteed rates that give you massive saving throughout the year.
This is access to John's skill and experience without limitation on what areas are covered. Often these would include: Applied Social Media Psychology to finding and connecting with clients, press and media management, greater income generation, sustainability in practice, time efficiency, website connection, and on to any area you feel there has room to improve and help more people
This package is valued at €2100
You get it for €1650
Saving a massive €450
You get:
- 12 hours one-on-one training spread through the year in hour long sessions.
- Guaranteed availability every month.
- Unparalleled insight into proven ways to succeed as a therapist or coach
- Consistent access to John's experience and expertise
- Strategies and how-to's for success
To make things easy for you, we are happy to take an initial €950 payment and remaining €700 three months later.

The Elite Training Program not only gives you access to John's expertise for a whole year's worth of regular coaching sessions at a guaranteed rate, but will also give you increased personalisation and customisation of your strategies, will allow you to build a mentoring relationship and will reinforce your capability and self-sustainability for an entire year. It will also give you discounted rates to additional training opportunities.
This is all about growing your help, influence, and income to allow you to help more people and to enjoy life as you do so. No matter where you are on your journey, I will hand-hold you through the process of building your success. For less than the average cost of a client session a week you get unrivaled support and insight from the perspective of someone who has built his therapy and coaching business from zero to booked-out, during a recession.
Call or e-mail today to apply. Limited places availability.
This package is valued at €4200
You get it for just €3200
Saving you a massive €1000
You get:
- 12 Full hour sessions of one-on-one training spread monthly through the year.
- 3 hour Master-strategy session at the start to reality test and plan your business development.
- Monthly ½ hour accountability call so you have support every fortnight.
- 3x individual full hour sessions to use as and when you need the extra support during the year (e.g. developing a new product/learning to use Webinars/getting extra time on existing strategies).
- ½ price on all Seminars and trainings run by Therapy and Coaching Success during the year.
- Guaranteed availability every month.
- Unparalleled insight into proven ways to succeed as a therapist or coach
- Consistent access to John's experience and expertise
- Highest-level insider Strategies and how-to's for success
To make things easy for you, we are happy to take an initial payment of €2200 and the remaining €1000 three months later.
Membership in the Elite program is strictly limited to those who wish to be full time, or to generate a full time income helping many, many people. Whether that's 1 to 1, in groups, or through online programs, it's the commitment of the therapist/coach that is key here. If you're starting out or well established you're welcome to apply for this program as long as you are dedicated to helping others and committed to making this a reality in your life. Give me a ring or drop me an e-mail to get the ball rolling.
Group Training
Group Training is a good way for people on an equal footing to develop together and to bring your message and achievement to a higher level for your business and your client's benefit. This suits business owners in a similar sector, team members from the same organizational level of a company, or start-up entrepreneurs. The cross pollination of ideas and challenges from group members can provide an extra layer of value for you.
Custom Made Solutions Unique to Your Business
Need something designed and delivered to your special unique needs? Working with you we will do a needs analysis and together design your expert solution to fit your requirements.
If you have a message that is new, difficult, or complex it can take special effort to make it connect with those who need it. With years of experience helping individuals who need help but have difficulty accessing it (Substance Abusers, Survivors of Sexual Abuse, and others) we can help you compose your message in a way that will help your clients to realize your ability to help. We can also design the right sort of delivery strategies for that message. Call or e-mail now to start creating the success you want.