John Prendergast is an internationally recognised award-winning Therapist and Coach who lived decades with severe anxiety and depression before he found the help he needed to overcome those challenges and to build a happier and more successful life.
Now followed in over 100 countries and speaking internationally, John helps therapists and coaches around the globe to bring their help to those still suffering.

"When I was suffering almost constant fear, worry, and anxiety; feeling nervous about going out with friends; nearly on the verge of panic attacks in a classroom; even holding back from trying anything new for fear of failing or being seen to fail, I had no idea that things could change. I wish that someone could have communicated to me that life did not need to be like this, that it could change and get better. Then I might not have accepted it and struggled on thinking that was the best it could ever be. I would have been able to have an extra twenty years of happiness in my life. I can never get those years back, but I can, and am, helping to ensure people like you can bring your message to those it will help. Whether that’s in fitness, therapy, through coaching or another method, I want to help as many people as possible, all over the world to lead happier, more successful lives."
Let me help you to help them!